Chopped Brinjal(बैंगन)-250g
Brinjals are not good for long time storing. So, consume within a few days and store in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight.
The inner white flesh turns brown quickly once its cut, so use it as soon as you cut them or refrigerate by placing the remaining on a bowl or plate, but avoid sealing, as it increases decay.
Brinjals are a prominent part of Indian dry and gravy curries. Also used in lentil soups , stews and rice items. Can be roasted, grilled, baked and stir-fried. Look up the local and popular Vaangibath recipe.
- Thai Brinjals are rich in dietery fibres, Vitamin C and K, phytonutrient compunds and high in anti-oxidants.
- Keeps check on cholesterol and blood sugar levels, excellent for weight loss, brain memory and blood circulation and also known for preventing cancer and heart diseases.
- It's high moisture and water content helps in skin rejuventaion.